Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quiz - 21st Century Survival Skills

The Seven Survival Skills for the 21st Century

Survival Skill
1 - Critical Thinking & Problem SolvingSurvival Skill
2 - Collaboration Across Networks & Leading by InfluenceSurvival Skill
3 - Agility & AdaptabilitySurvival Skill
4 - Initiative & EntrepreneurismSurvival Skill
5 - Effective Oral & Written CommunicationSurvival Skill
6 - Accessing & Analyzing InformationSurvival Skill
7 - Curiosity & Imagination

Your Quiz (authentic assessment) is to leave a Comment that answers the questions below. Point values are in parenthesis. (Hint: You may want to create a Google doc or Word doc to compile your thoughts and analyze your information before leaving your comment. I suggest copying the requirements below into another doc to ensure you meet all the requirements. )

Your First Name and Last Initial (5)
A. Which Skill (# and name) are you going to discuss? (5)
B. Write a quote that relates to the skill. (10)
C. Explain something in this class that you have done that promoted the development of the skill. (25)
D. Identify a project or assignment in any other class you have taken or are taking that has directly or indirectly promoted one of the 7 Survival Skills. Give specific examples of why you feel this way. (20)
Answers are original and relate to your life. (20)
Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10)
Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5)
Total Quiz Score = XX/100 (you do the math :0)


  1. Graczyk, J
    A. #1: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
    B. “For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” –Mary Kay Ash
    C. Something done in this class to develop the skill of critical thinking and problem solving is our IT projects. As a group we had to solve problems by coming up with our own game plan.
    D. The #1 skill, critical thinking and problem solving, was practiced in physics class. Our problem was that we didn’t know why things were acting the way that they were, and our solution was obtained through critical thinking on all the possibilities.

    Self-Evaluation: I feel that I did this quiz to the best of my abilities. The answers are relative to me, and I followed the guide lines provided to me.

  2. Josh K

    A. (3 and Josh Kwitowski) Adaptability and agility is my personal favorite for two reasons “speed and sense” adapting to the world around you and becoming faster to solve your problems and help others as well as yourself.


    “Adaptability: A wise man adapts himself to circumstances as water shapes itself to the vessel that contains it”- W. R. Inge

    “knowledge,materials, thoughts,life, If you want or need it, it will be a challenge to take and keep forever.” - Josh Kwitowski

    When using some programs to there maximum potential it was not always what I wanted the final outcome to be so i would change the program and adapt to change my final outcome.

    The personal budget plan has given me some thought of the future and present life, this project promoted my (7)curiosity and imagination. what kind of car i wanted or house to live in.

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  3. A) Survival Skill #5: Effective oral & Written Communication.

    B)"The biggest skill people are missing is the ability to communicate: both written and oral presentations".

    C)I work with my partner a lot when working on prjects and any other task.

    D)Excel projects, the life expenses. For the excel projects my little pod group work together and help each other when one of us is stuck or don't understand a given task. Pretty much, this class wwould be a little chanllenging if you couldn't use peers or other people for help. This helps us all develope communication skills and team work.


  4. Cindy C.
    A. Initiative & Entrepreneurism Survival Skill

    B. "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton

    C. In this class, I have repeatedly had to use my own initiative to work on my projects and to make sure that I am able to get them done in time. I have also tried to take the initiative to help others do their work and succeed.

    D. In pre-calc I am required to take the initiative to not only make sure that I get my work done, but that I seek help when I am unsure of how to do something. I also have to use initiative and entrepreneurism in my everyday life in order to succeed.

    I think that I have done well on this quiz because I followed the directions, and I was able to relate the skill to my everyday life.
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  5. Dan B

    A - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving(#1)

    B - "What we hope ever to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence." - Samuel Johnson

    C - Something that took critical thinking in this class was during our team rpesentations. we all had to think together to see who is presenting which slides and who is researching who.

    D - A class where Critical Thinking was used has to be Chemistry. We did not understand conversions straight from the start but when I focused and thought critically, it became easier to do.

    Self Evaluation - I believe I completed this quiz to my ability. I followed the guidelines and when examples were needed to be given, I listed them.

    Estimated Score 100/100

  6. A. Curiosity and Imagination (#7)

    B. "Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind."
    -Samuel Johnson

    C. The personal google spreadsheet has promoted the development of my curiosity and imagination because I have used my imagination to put all of my information into spreadsheets. I have used my curiosity in this project by looking for information through websites and getting the information that I need.

    D. I have used the curiosity and imagination survival skill in my sports and entertainment marketing class. I used my imagination in the one project where I had to create a super bowl logo for 2012. I used the curiosity trait when searching for information about the super bowl.

    Total Quiz Score= 100/100

  7. Tara H. (5)
    A. Survival Skill # 1 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Survival Skill (5)

    B. “ I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn” -Albert Einstein (10)

    C.Something I have done in class to promote Critical Thinking and Problem Solving was talking to a friend about a problem I had with the spreadsheets we were working on and she helped me clear things up on how to set it up leading me to fix the problem. (25)

    D. photography has directly promoted the survival skill of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving because if you screw up a print or take a picture wrong you learn from your mistakes for the next time not to do the same thing. (20)

    Total Quiz Score= 100/100

  8. Norbert B. (5/5)

    A.) #1 - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Survival Skill (5/5)

    B.) "Thinking takes skill. However, you are not born with this skill; it takes much practice to be able to learn and apply good thinking skills." (10/10)

    C.) The majority of projects require this skill because of how loose the structure of the directions is. For example, for the IT Team Presentations, there were many things that were not clearly specified by the directions and rather than ask the teacher, we decided to figure out the problems ourselves. Not just for that project, but also for the Spreadsheet. With that, there is no set way to do the layout and you have to figure it out yourself. (25/25)

    D.) In english class, we have to write creative short shories. This promotes skill #7, Curiosity & Imagination, because a person needs to use be imaginative to be able to write creative stories. Those english short stories help develope curiosity and imagination by making us think in different ways and come up with ideas of our own design. Writing a story isn't easy if you have to come up with ideas of your own. Most of the time, I see people using other people's ideas as a jumping-point to be able to write their own. This in not correct, the stories need to be written from scratch with your own ideas, otherwise, you don't develope those skills. (20/20)

    Answers are original - (20/20)
    Neatness - (10/10)
    Self-Evaluation - (5/5)
    Total Score - (100/100)

  9. A. Survival Skill #5 Effective Oral &Written Communications

    B. "The biggest skill people are missing is the ability to communicate: both written and oral presentations."

    C. I have helped numerous people around me with different projects that they didn't understand.

    D. In this class I have promoted this survival skill through doing the budget, team and excel projects/presentations. I have shown this skill by helping other people near me and by them helping me with everything I needed too. Also by communicating on chat in Google with all my teammates on what people we are going to present and things that need to be done.
    Total Quiz Score= 95/100

  10. Lindsey B
    A.Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Survival Skill (#1) (5/5)
    B.He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever. -Tom Connelly (10/10)
    C.Something we have done in this class that has dealt with critical thinking and problem solving is our IT team projects and some of the excel lessons if I don’t know how to do it right at first.Also another project would be the budget of different ages you need to think how much money you will be making and using at certain ages. (25/25)
    D.A class that I used this skill in is Trig. At first I didn’t understand how to do many of the problems but then I started thinking and focusing more and improved a little better. (20/20)

    Self-evaluate: I feel that I answered the question as best I could and gave good examples and I answered the question in the same format they were asked in.

    Estimated score 100/100

  11. Nicholas I (5)
    A. I am going to discuss Curiosity & Imagination (5)
    B. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." Albert Einstein . (10)
    C. In this class I have used and developed this skill on projects such as the flip book and self-interest projects in keyboarding . (25)
    D. Mythology class. We had to construct our mythologies in class about a brand new god and a brand new tale. We also acted out plays and pretended to be gods.(20)

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Tyler Stoldt
    A. Agility and Adaptability
    B.“The key to success is often the ability to adapt”
    C. When doing my personal budget project, I would start off by structuring and setting it up a certain way and then would alter it or in other words adapt when i saw what the best way would be to present my information.
    D. The personal budget plan has really made me think about the future and has started to get me thinking of ways to start saving money. Based on how our economy is and how much college will cost, i will be forced to adapt by budgeting better and saving my money rather than spending it. This project also made use the skill #7 Curiosity and Imagination.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Jessica Insinna
    A.I am going to discuss Curiosity and
    Imangination (#7)
    B. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." Albert Einstein
    C.In classes, I ask questions because I am curious. I turn in imaginative projects.
    D. Art class. I use creativity and imagination in my projects

  16. Kelly T.

    A. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Survival Skill

    B. For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.
    - Mary Kay Ash

    C. In this class the spreadsheet presentation involves critical thinking and problem solving skills. You have to consider the different formulas to use. Another example is this IT project because we had to all work together and solve problems dealing with our topic.

    D. In math class we always had to use critical thinking and problem solving skills. Sometimes we would need to work together as a group to solve a problem or alone. Problem solving skills are used everyday in math class. In math the goal is to come to one correct answer and then check to make sure it is correct.

    Self Evaluation - I completed this quiz to the best of my ability. I followed the guidelines that were given. Also, I related certain topics to my real life.

    Estimated Score 100/100

  17. A. Survival Skill #3,Agility and Adaptability(5)

    B. “The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings.” (10)

    C. In this class I had to adapt to the new people I sat by and I also had to change the way that I manage my time in order to get good grades. In this class I will have to present to the class and I will have to adapt to feel comfortable. (25)

    D. In leadership class, I was a sophomore and I didn't know very many people in my class. We had to find icebreakers and present them to the class. I had to adapt to talking to people I didn't know, it was hard because I didn't even know Mr. Turton then. After I opened up and adapted to the class room and the way the class was ran, I had a lot more fun in the class and even made some friends. (20)

    Self Evaluation- I think that I did this quiz to the best of my ability because I followed the rubric and used my real life examples.

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  18. Cearra P

    A) Curiosity an imagination

    B) “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” ~Michelangelo

    C)i have used an developed this skill in the class by working on the budget project. In this project in i choose the personal budget aspect because i am curious on how my type of education truly affect how comfortably i will live when i am older, i also i had to use my imagination in figuring out what miscellaneous expenses i may have when i am older.

    D) i believe i use this 21st century skill in Studio in Art. In art class I’m are always my using imagination and curiosity because i have to try many different methods to get the outcome on my final project , an i always find ‘new’ techniques an different ways of doing something because in art what works for some one else may not always work for you an i believe imagination gives you the ability to create new techniques that work for you

    total quiz score: 97/100

  19. John L.
    A. Curiosity and Imagination
    B. "Sometimes questions are more important then answers" -Albert Einstein
    C. The project where we split up into groups, my group had to look up the history of things and i chose that because I was curious.
    D. In college computer applicatiosn I have used most of these.

  20. Delena J

    A. #5 Effective Oral & Written Communication

    B. "Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow"-Rowan D. Williams

    C. Experiencing new ways of organization will help become prepared in communicating.

    D. Communication is very important in the business world. During Business communication we learned many different ways to prepare for proper communication, such as memos, letters and graphs.

  21. A. #7 - Curiosity & Imagination

    B. “Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”
    -Arnold Edinborough

    C. With curiosity, it helped with my topic for my IT project. Without natural curiosity, I never would have the drive to find out the knowledge I need to present tot he class. Despite my topic not being my personal favorite choice, I still had the curiosity to learn more about a topic I was already familiar with.

    D. When we did research projects in English classes, it was usually open ended to a topic of our own choice. In this, I naturally picked something I was curious about and wanted to learn more on. I know coming up in my Senior Thesis, I will have the opportunity to look up something that intrigues me and peaks my curiosity so to say. It's these opportunities that create a natural drive to succeed and I believe having a natural curiosity or active imagination plays a big role into success.

    A. 5/5
    B. 10/10
    C. 25/25
    D. 20/20


  22. Amanda N.

    A. 1-Critical Thinking & Problem Solving/Survival Skill
    B. He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever. -Tom Connelly
    C. There is a lot of problem solving skills in this class. In class there are a lot of projects that are going on at once. Sometimes there are problems that are faced, such as finishing the project before it is due or when you are stuck on something and cant get past it to finish the project. You have to use the problem solving skills to ask for help or figure out a new way to understand what you are doing.
    D. The class where there was Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills was Keyboarding and Computer Apps. There was alot of projects that you had the think about like the Business Project, where we had to use real life skills and place it in a document that could be helpful for our future.
    Self Evaluation: 100/100

  23. After this post date, your quiz is late.

  24. Andy s

    A. I am going to discuss Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Survival Skills.

    B. "in schools, critical thinking has long been a buzz phrase. Educators pay lip service to its importance but few can tell me what they mean by the phrase or how they teach or test it." Wagner

    C.One thing I have done in this class to promote this skill is determining what information is important for my IT project and what isn't important.I have to determine what the right answers are and what will allow me to get a good Grade.

    D.The IT project I think directly promotes critical thinking.In the project I have to figure out what is important what is useful and what will get me good grade.I have to work with my group and discuss our topics and think about what we all can work on and start creating the the project.

    Self Evaluation:I believe I have met the criteria and wrote about what the instructions have told me to do.

    Your First Name and Last Initial 5/5
    A. Which Skill (# and name) are you going to discuss? 5/5
    B. Write a quote that relates to the skill. 10/10
    C. Explain something in this class that you have done that promoted the development of the skill. 25/25
    D. Identify a project or assignment in any other class you have taken or are taking that has directly or indirectly promoted one of the 7 Survival Skills. Give specific examples of why you feel this way. 20/20
    Answers are original and relate to your life. 20/20
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. 10/10
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz 5/5
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100

  25. 1. Steve G
    A. 7-curosity and imagination
    B. “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”
    - James Paolinetti
    C. When we did that project on google spreadsheet because I used my imagination not real life things because I am not that old yet
    D. when the beginning of this year during English the short story. I felt this way because imagination was the big part of this project.

  26. Jaimie H.

    A. Number 7- Curiosity & Imagination

    B. “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.”

    C. The Karel the Actor projects allowed us to use our imagination and creativity to make an interesting adventure for Karel.

    D. In Social Studies, it’s probably one of my weakest subjects, it is my responsibility to get my work done to the best of my ability and to get it done on time. It is also my job to get extra help if I need it from the teacher. I need to be a responsible student and get the job done the right way.

    Self Evaluation: I think I did this quiz to the best of my ability. I followed all of the directions and I was able to relate them to my everyday life.

  27. Ben Fisher (5)
    A.) #1 Ben Fisher (5)
    B.) “ I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn” -Albert Einstein (10)
    C.) The project “karel the actor” about a robot who we had to make into an actor and trying to solve the some of the programming problems and dealing with sometimes it took to figure it out is a part of using the skill problem solving. (25)
    D.) Last year’s project about a world conflict definitely challenged me to use a lot of these skills. From getting my information to understanding and presenting was very difficult but gave me the chance to succeed. Using these skills during the project I was able to get an extremely good grade. (20)
    Answers are original and relate to your life. (20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10)
    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (you do the math :0)

  28. Chris S.
    A) #7 Curiosity & Imagination
    B) "All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers"-Orison Swett Marden
    C) The Karel the Actor project required us to think a little bit and use our imagination. We had to make a creative world along with a creative story for our actor.
    D) In English class last year we had to write creative stories. These writing pieces required a deep sense of thought and imagination. I was able to use my great sense of imagination to succeed in that area of class.
    Total Quiz Score= 100/100

  29. Gabe M. (5/5)
    A. 7 - Curiosity & Imagination (5/5)
    B. You need imagination in order to imagine a future that doesn't exist. (190/10
    C. Karel the actor because I had to use your imagination to create a story about what your character is going to do you also have to use your imagination to create the world. (25/25)
    D. In keyboarding I had to create a mini business using Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint and access. I had to develop a spread sheet with all the wages of the workers you also had to create a floor plan laying out the store and where all the store products belong. (20/20)
    Yes, the relate to school and school I a huge part of my life. (20/20)
    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10/10)
    I believe I put a lot of time and effort I used my life experiences in school to relate to this project. (5/5)
    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (you do the math :0)

  30. Brandon H.
    A. 1 - Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Survival Skill

    B. For every failure, there's an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a roadblock, take a detour- Mary Kay Ash

    C. I had to perform problem solving skills in this class during Karel when I had to make the story because I made a lot of mistakes.

    D. I also used problem solving skills in pre-calc because sometime I have no idea how to do a problem and I have to figure it out before the due date.

    I think I did very good on this quiz. 100/100

  31. Zack C.(5)
    A. Zack Caito #5(5)

    B. "Bad human communication leaves us less room to grow." -Rowan D. Williams (10)

    C. During out Team IT Presentation project (my group specifically was to do Key Innovators)we could not vocally communicate we had to use the computer only and pretend that we were thousands of miles away. (25)

    D. One assignment in my Spanish class was that we couldn't talk to each other but we could only write to each other in Spanish, no English allowed. I feel like this assignment helped me appreciate the use of vocal communication over oral communication. (20)

    Answers are original and relate to your life. (20)

    Comment is in a neat and organized format. Use the letters above. (10)

    Self-Evaluate your performance on this Quiz (5)

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (you do the math :0)

  32. Dylan P.
    A.) #7 Curiosity and Imagination
    B.) All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers.
    Orison Swett Marden
    C.) An example of imagination is making karel's world and the story he was acting in.
    D.) During English Class we had to write creative stories. I enjoyed using my imagination to write a story that I was proud of.
    100/100 (you do the math :0)

  33. Makiah H
    A. #7 Curiosity and Imagination
    B. Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.-Leo Burnett
    C. In this class i demonstrated imagination when we created our Karel project. I had to come up with an elaborate story using my imagination.
    D. Last year in English we were given a few assignments that required the use of my imagination. I was able to come up with a very creative short story.

    Total Quiz Score = 100/100 (you do the math :0)

  34. Zachary M

    A. Survival Skil #1: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

    B. "Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." - Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551-479 BCE)

    C. In this class I had to think about how I was going to spend my time working on the blog a diffrence project and the presentation. Onvce I got to about three blogs I immmediatley started working.

    D. In Geometry my weekly review was due on a Friday, but the tecaher made it due that day in math, so I took the time when the sub gave us time to do our homework an I did the review instead (Agility & Adaptability)

  35. Zachary M

    A. Survival Skil #1: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

    B. "Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous." - Confucius, Chinese philosopher (551-479 BCE)

    C. In this class I had to think about how I was going to spend my time working on the blog a diffrence project and the presentation. Onvce I got to about three blogs I immmediatley started working.

    D. In Geometry my weekly review was due on a Friday, but the tecaher made it due that day in math, so I took the time when the sub gave us time to do our homework an I did the review instead (Agility & Adaptability)
