Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Scratch - "Farm Boy" Projects

Add a comment that links to your Farm Boy Project program in Scratch.

You project should match this one: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Turton/2226923.

Log in to http://scratch.mit.edu/ and open your project.

Copy this sample below and paste it into your new comment. Replace my info with your own. After "LEARNED", type 3 or more sentences that describe something interesting you learned. After "TO LEARN", write something you would like to be able to do with Scratch OR computer programming OR in general in this course.

STUDENT: Allen T. (your First Name and Last Initial)
URL: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Turton/2226923 (copy from Scratch)
LEARNED: Scratch is free and widely used around the world. People can use it to create and share simple video games. Also, by searching for programs and downloading them, we can use parts of other people's programs to accomplish certain tasks in our own programs.
TO LEARN: I hope that we will have time to work on a collaborative programming project were 2 or 3 students develop a program/game together.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Games and Animated Stories made from Scratch

This post allows students to share their innovative Scratch creations with other students, parents, teachers, and I. My hope is that people who are not in this course will visit the URL's you leave in your comments and experience your amazing skills.

Example ...
Name: Gage M.
Type: Game
Title: Plane Flight
URL: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Gagetmorris/2257454
Description: Use the keyboard to navigate an air plane around a box from start to finish while preventing the box and plane from touching each other.

You may (and hopefully will) leave multiple comments here. Feel free to leave a comment that compliments creator by giving a nice review or recommendation.